Your Personal Brand Refresh Checklist

So many of us find ourselves in a moment of pause right now. Chances are, you have way more time than you once did to assess your personal brand and invest your time and energy into your own business. Now is a great time to polish your personal brand and bring it to the next level. 

Here’s a step-by-step checklist for refreshing your personal brand while keeping social distance.

Assess where you brand is at currently

Take an honest look at your brand and your business. Account for your website, your social media platforms, your current clients, your brand design, your brand story, and your brand photos. Take note of what you’re happy with, what needs more attention, and what could make your persona stronger.

Set new goals

Take a moment to visualize where you’d like to be one, five, even ten years from now. What does your brand look like? What does it feel like? Who are your loyal customers? What does a typical day in your life look like? Are there any systems that you need to create or implement for your business and brand? Don’t be afraid to dream big – then, set short and long-term goals to reach them.

Fine-tune your brand story 

Get a piece of paper and a pencil (old-school, we know!) and brainstorm about your brand story. Think about what makes you unique, what skills you have to offer, what problems you can solve, how your ideal client feels, and words that describe you. Then, write it all down, putting your ideal client front and center in your brand story. The more specific, the better!

Update your brand visuals

Once you’ve written your brand story, the next step is implementing it. From your website to your logo to your brand colors, make sure every aspect of your branding does its part in telling your story. If needed, find a freelancer or an agency to help you update your website and other visuals.

Take some new photos

You should be at the very center of your personal brand. Your unique skills, talents, strengths, and interests are what set your brand apart from all the rest. Set up an at-home personal branding photoshoot to put your best face forward and help people get to know the real you. Keep your brand story, colors, and visuals in mind as you prepare.

No matter where your personal brand is at right now, all it takes are a few thoughtful changes to get it to where you’d like it to be. As long as you’re willing to work hard, be authentic, and find the right people to help you out, you’ll be able to craft a memorable, successful personal brand.